End-to-End AI Annotation Platform to Label, Manage and Utilise Training Data Effectively

Accuracy of AI Models is totally dependent on the quality of training data. Having an AI Annotation and Training Automation Platform turbo-charges Model Development Process.

It helps in quick discovery of Mistakes in understanding of Annotators, Visibility and Accessibility of Training Data in the organisation.

Automated Active Learning workflows help Machine Learning Engineers in identifying and fixing AI Blind Spots Quickly.

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Speed up Annotations for Object Detection, Segmentation, Keypoints or OCR

Deep Learning models are data hungry. Having the right tool means high quality pixel perfect annotations. Create custom datasets, classes and tags for following kind of annotations:

Image Classification
Object Detection
Optical Character Recognition
Image Segmentation

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Advanced Tools To Ensure the Quality and speed of training data delivery.

Annotators can create complex Annotations using Advanced Tools such as SuperPixel much easily. Following are the key features for Annotators:

Fast Annotation
Low Latency
KeyBoard shortcuts
Easily Accessible Instructions
Self Review Annotations

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Single platform for Annotators, Annotation Manager and Data Scientists

Streamline collaboration between AI Engineers and Annotation Team.

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Build Automated Active Learning pipelines without wasting time of Data Scientists

With Built-in AI Models into NeuralMarker Platform, your Data Scientists would save 100s of hours of time and still deliver high quality AI models.

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